Assessment & Development Centres

Assessment & Development Centres represent probably the most powerful approach available to management to predict performance and behaviour.

They enable assessment of individuals across the widest range of relevant characteristics . They can provide this information at a level of predictive accuracy, which is difficult to achieve by any other means.

There are three main areas of application:

Selection – of internal candidates where past or current experience may not be relevant. And for external candidates who are an unknown quantity. They can also help to separate apparently close candidates. Evidence from centres can be also be used to explain results to unsuccessful candidates

Management development – to identify training or development needs and provide guidance as to the priority areas for attention. This will enable tailored training to be directed to the greatest need

Talent management – scanning key sections of the workforce to examine the extent to which skills, knowledge, experience, behaviours etc are developed and present.

Why The Assessment & Development Program?

to predict performance and behaviour

Provide this information at a level of predictive accuracy

Help to separate apparently close candidates.


Depending on requirements and budget the assessment process can incorporate:

  • Psychometric measures
  • A structured Interview
  • Individual and group exercises


Over 30 years AQR has developed extensive experience and expertise in running assessment & development centres particularly large programmes which are often associated with assessing readiness for change or development.

We can assist in the design and structure of assessment & development centres and development of exercises, We can also run Assessor & Observer Training Programmes to train internal assessors or run the whole programme for you

We use assessment tools in all our assessment & development centres. Assessment tools can be an indicator of the mindset of the individual and their resulting behaviour and performance. They can also have a useful role in validating or explaining, independently, observations made on other parts of a development or assessment centre